Fabric air ducts for office facilities
Air socks, unlike metallic ducts, feature a much greater variety of color and shape, which allows them to be used in office facilities where requirements for their appearance are often of the utmost importance. The nature of air ducts’ material allows for various images to be printed on them. With the use of TEXAIR’s air ducts, even the ventilation system may feature the corporate color and the customer’s company logo.
Initial data for design:
- Application: ventilation of open space in conditions when workplaces equipped with office equipment and personal computers are located under the air duct.
- Air duct type, system purpose: supply, ventilation
- Duct shape: round. To branch the duct system, shaped elements are used: input adapters, transit ducts, turns.
- Airflow, static pressure: 10250 m³/h, 300 Pa
- Duct length: 45 m (total)
- Fabric: TEX-Sti (Staпdard Impermeable): air impermeable polyester 100%
- Supply air temperature: +18°C
- Air distribution: even distribution throughout the whole working zone
- Installation height from floor to duct axis: 4000 mm
Special features:
It was necessary to ensure the speed of air supply, comfortable for office staff with a sedentary nature of work during an 8-hour working day. The task was to ensure an even distribution of the supplied air and avoid stagnant zones in the room. Due to the large area of window openings in such a room, natural lighting plays a large role, which leads to heating of the air in the summer, and therefore it was necessary to solve the issue of lowering the temperature.